Department of Pharmacology
and Chemical Biology
July 2024
Due to recently funded federal grants, we are hiring. We have openings for a postdoctoral fellow and a technician to join our team and contribute to our research on adult glioblastomas, pediatric high-grade gliomas, and neurofibromatosis. These positions include opportunities to collaborate with other neuro-oncology groups at Emory. Please send Dr. Read your resume and contact information for 3 references to apply to our openings or apply directly through Emory HR. These positions are great for trainees looking for research opportunities that combine neuroscience, developmental neurobiology, cancer biology, and pre-clinical and clinical neuro-oncology research. Come join our team!
June 2024
Check out our new comprehensive review article on the tumor microenvironment in adult glioblastomas published this month in Genes and Development. This article is a great way to learn about our field: Glioblastoma microenvironment-from biology to therapy. Genes and Development. 2024 Jun 25;38(9-10):360-379.
May 2023
Congratulations to Julia Gonzalez Valera Saborio on completion of her masters degree and her graduation from the 4+1 Cancer Biology Program. Thank you to her thesis committe, @acorbe2, and and everyone else for supporting Julia through her thesis research! Julia is continuing her neuro-oncology research in the lab and is looking for new career opportunities in science communications.
November 2022
Dr. Read has started a new role at the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University as Assistant Director for Basic Research and Shared Resources. She will be working with Dr. Greg Lesinski and Winship leadership to support bench-to-bedside research!
October 2022
Congratulations to Julia Gonzalez Valera Saborio on our new @NINDSDiversity award to support her graduate training in neurooncology with our lab. Thank you the Emory IMSD program, 4+1 Cancer Biology Program, and everyone else @acorbe2 for supporting Julia!
September 2022
Due to new funding from CURE Childhood Cancer Foundation, we are hiring a new postdoctoral fellow to work with us on developing human brain organoid models of high-grade pediatric gliomas to examine origins of tumor stem cells and tumor cell -glial cell interaction in the neural microenvironment, which involves collaboration with other neuro-oncology groups at Emory, such as Steven Sloan's lab. Please reach out to Dr. Read to learn more about this project as well as other research and career development opportunities. To apply, please send Dr. Read your resume and contact information for 3 references. Join our team!
March 2022
Check out Renee's new invited review and commentary on repurposing verteporfin as a treatment for glioblastoma in this month's issue of Neuro-Oncology:
January 2022
Due to new funding from NINDS, we are hiring a new postdoctoral fellow to work with us on receptor tyrosine kinase fusion variants in pediatric gliomas. This position will include work with human brain organoid models and animal models to examine origins of tumor stem cells and tumor cell - glial cell interactions in the neural microenvironment. Please send Dr. Read your resume and contact information for 3 references if you are interested in joining our team.
August 2021
Dr. Read has been promoted to Associate Professor! Thank you to all of the current and previous members who contributed to the successes of our lab! This is an important recognition of everyone's contributions!
July 2021
We have been awarded a pilot grant from the Morningside Center for Innovative and Affordable Medicine for our research on repurposing the drug verteporfin as a new therapy for pediatric glioblastoma. We're excited to expand our translational research on new therapies for brain tumors, and to hopefully launch new clinical trials for children with brain tumors. We have been awarded a new Winship Pilot Award for our research on receptor tyrosine kinase fusion variants in pediatric gliomas in human and mouse models. Excited to get started on a new collaboration with Dr. Brian Olson at Winship! Time to celebrate!
June 2021
Welcome to Julia Gonzalez Varela Saborio, a rising Emory senior who joins our lab as a IMSD student. Julia will be working on animal models of glioma, and plans to continue research as an independent study student throughout the academic year. Excited to have undergraduates back in the lab!
December 2020
Check out our recent collaborative work with the Hambardzumyan lab on inflammatory signaling in pediatric gliomas. We were happy to help bring this exciting science to fruition. We look forward to continued collaborations with Dolores and her team!
November 2020
Looking forward to seeing everyone today online at the 2020 virtual Society for Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting. Please see my on-demand talk in Experimental and Translation Sciences Session III EXTH-27 - YAP/TAZ transcriptional co-activators create therapeutic vulnerability to verteporfin in EGFR mutant glioblastoma. #SNO2020 @NeuroOnc
November 2020
Announcing the Read Lab's new publication on the role of YAP and TAZ transcription factors in glioblastoma stem cells. This publication goes all the way from flies to humans, and forms the basis of our new clinical trial of the drug Verteporfin for glioblastoma. Congrats to all authors and lab members for their hard work on this important and exciting story:
October 2020
Welcome to Elizabeth Young, who is the newest member of our lab. She joins us after graduating from Davidson College earlier this year, having completed thesis research in Drosophila with Dr. Karen Hales. Welcome to Atlanta and Emory Elizabeth! We are glad to have her, and look forward to her success with our group.
September 2020
Renee spent the month writing papers and grants, and submitted exciting new multi-PI grant proposals to the DoD and NIH on our research with the YAP/TAZ pathway and verteporfin. Finger crossed that reviewers appreciate our research!

August 2020
The Read lab is looking for a new lab manager (aka Lead Research Specialist or similar position) to help run our mouse colony, oversee new trainees, and execute genomics and genetics experiments. We are particularly interested in candidates who have expertise in histochemistry, immunofluorescence, and neuroanatomy. If you are interested, feel free to reach out to Renee directly by email or social media.
August 2020
Renee is a graduate student again! This week she started Emory's Executive Masters in Public Health program, with a focus on applied epidemiology. She's excited to start this new step in her research career and to join the public health community of @EmoryRollins, @EmoryEpi #EMPH
July 2020
Congratulations to former @RRead_Lab member and @EmoryNeurosurg resident Dr. Krish Vigneswaran on starting his new faculty position at UT-Houston. I'm so proud to have Krish as the first trainee from the lab to become a faculty member! Best of luck in his research efforts to fight against glioblastoma.
July 2020
Congratulations to Read Lab member and graduate of the Cancer Biology 4+1 Masters program Riley Gulbronson, who has just accepted a position as a Public Health Associate Fellow with the @CDCgov, where she will be working with HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention and Covid-19 response. So proud of her!
June 2020
We are now on Twitter! Please follow us @RRead_Lab to get the latest updates and links to our colleagues and collaborators in the field.
Renee has been awarded the 2020 Emerging Leader Award grant by the Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation for her lab's research on drugging the YAP/TAZ pathway in glioblastoma. This award funds an innovative
new clinical trial of a YAP/TAZ inhibitor in glioblastoma patients as well as analysis of the epigenetic changes associated with YAP/TAZ activation in glioblastoma cells. We are looking for a new postdoc to join our team to work on this and other tumor biology projects. Please contact Renee if interested.
Our joint manuscript with Dolores Hambardzumyan's lab on a new mouse model for EGFR-driven glioblastoma is now in press at the journal Glia. Congratulations to everyone involved in developing this new immunocompetent model to study the interactions between tumor cells and their microenvironment. We look forward to using this model in a variety of new studies of how the neural microenvironment contributes to tumorigenesis.
Welcome Preston Sheng to the lab! Preston joins us as a Research Specialist (technician) after graduating from Emory with major in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology. Preston is particularly interested in learning about how to use mouse models in neuroscience research and imaging techniques.
Congratulations to Dr. Alexander Chen on his successful virtual thesis defense and graduation! We are proud of Alex and all of his contributions to our lab. Alex, who is Renee's first Ph.D. student, will be moving on the a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. David Gutmann at Washington University School of Medicine.
May 2020
Congratulations to Riley Gulbronson on her successful thesis defense! We are proud of Riley's research using Drosophila models of glioblastoma to explore how sex differences in innate immunity pathways contribute to tumorigenesis. We look forward to the future publication of her thesis research. We wish her a restful and enjoyable summer at her parent's beach house on Tybee Island!
Congratulations to Dr. Nathan Boyd on being awarded a prestigious AAAS science policy fellowship. Nathan will be leaving us this summer and moving to DC to take a position in the DOD overseeing relationships with innovative new investigators. We will miss Nathan, but we wish him all the best in his transition to his new career.
April 2020
Renee presented a short talk at the this year's virtual The Allied Genetics Society Conference. The topic was our research on drugging the YAP/TAZ transcription factors in glioblastoma. It was exciting to have hundreds of people from around the world virtually attend this talk and learn more about our integrative approach of using Drosophila models, mouse model, and early phase clinical trials in human patients to find new therapeutics for glioblastoma.
March 2020
Our lab has been partially closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak. We hope to fully re-open soon. In the meantime, we look forward to using the time at home to learn bioinformatics and write manuscripts as well as catch up with all of our favorite Youtubers and Podcasters.