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Select Publications

Read, R.D., Z.M. Tapp, P. Rajappa, D. Hambardzumyan. Glioblastoma microenvironment-from biology to therapy. Genes and Development. 2024 Jun 25;38(9-10):360-379. doi: 10.1101/gad.351427.123.


Saborio, J.G., E.E. Young, A.S. Chen, R.D. Read. A protocol to use Drosophila melanogaster larvae to model human glioblastoma. STAR Protocols. 2022 Aug 8;3(3):101609. eCollection 2022 Sep 16. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2022.101609. 


Ross, J.L., Z. Chen, C.J. Herting, F. Szulzewsky, M.P. Vallcorba, L. Monterroza, J. Switchenko, P.J. Cimino, A. Mackay, C. Jones, R.D. Read, T. MacDonald, M. Schniederjan, O.J. Becher, D. Hambardzumyan. 2020. PDGFB is a Potent Inflammatory Driver in Paediatric High-Grade Glioma. Brain. Dec 10;awaa382 doi: 10.1093/brain/awaa382.


Vigneswaran, K., N.B. Boyd, S. Lallani, S.-Y. Oh, A. Boucher, S. Neill, J.J. Olson, R.D. Read. 2020. YAP/TAZ transcription factors create therapeutic vulnerability to verteporfin in EGFR mutant glioblastoma. Clinical Cancer Research. Nov 10;clincanres.0018.2020.

doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-0018.


Chen, Z., C.J. Herting, J.L. Ross, B. Gabanic, M.P. Vallcorba, F. Szulzewsky, M.L. Wojciechowwicz, P.J. Cimino, R. Ezhilarasan, E.P. Sulman, M. Ying, A. Ma’ayan, R.D. Read, D. Hambardzumyan. 2020. Genetic driver mutations introduced in identical cell-of-origin in murine glioblastoma reveal distinct immune landscapes but similar response to checkpoint blockade. Glia. Oct;68(10):2148-2166. doi: 10.1002/glia.238.


Chen, A. and R.D. Read. 2019. Drosophila melanogaster as a Model System for Human Glioblastomas. Book chapter for “Drosophila Models in Cancer.” Springer Nature., edited by W.M. Deng. 


Robinson, H., S. Lallani, H. Farooq, M.D. Taylor, R.D. Read, A.M. Kenney. 2019. Upregulation of the chromatin remodeler HELLS is mediated by YAP1 in Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma. Science Reports. 2019 Sep 20;9(1):13611. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-50088-1.


Chen, A., J. Wardwell-Ozgo, N. Shah, D. Wright, C. Appin, K. Vigneswaran, D. Brat, H. Kornblum, R.D. Read. 2018. Drak/Stk17A drives neoplastic glial proliferation through modulation of MRLC signaling. Cancer Research.


Read, R.D. 2018. The Pvr receptor tyrosine kinase signaling promotes post-embryonic morphogenesis and survival of glia and neural progenitor cells in Drosophila. Development. doi: 10.1242/dev.164285.


Mukherjee, S. C. Tucker-Burden, E. Kaissi, A. Newsam, M. Chau, C. Zhang, B. Diwedi, M. Rupji, S. Seby, J. Kowalski, J. Kong, R.D. Read, D. J. Brat. 2018. CDK5 inhibition resolves PKA/cAMP-independent CREB1 phosphorylation in glioma stem cells. Cell Reports 23(6):1651-1664. 

doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.04.016.


Mukherjee, S. C. Tucker-Burden, C. Zhang, K. Moberg, R. Read, C. Hadjipanayis, D.J. Brat. 2016. Drosophila Brat and human ortholog TRIM3 maintain stem cell equilibrium and suppress brain tumorigenesis by attenuating Notch nuclear transport. Cancer Research 76(8):2443-52. 

doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-2299


Read, R.D., T.S. Fenton, G. Gomez, J. Wykosky, S.R. Vandenberg, I. Babic, H. Yang, A. Iwanami, P.S. Mischel, W.K. Cavenee, F.B. Furnari, J.B. Thomas.  2013. A kinome-wide RNAi screen in Drosophila glia reveals that the RIO kinases mediate cell proliferation and survival through TORC2-Akt signaling in glioblastoma. PLoS Genetics 9(2):e1003253.  

doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003253.


Read, R.D. 2011. Drosophila melanogaster as a model system for human brain cancers. Glia. 2011 Sep; 59(9): 1364–1376. PMC3221733.


Read, R.D., W.K. Cavenee, F.B. Furnari, J.B. Thomas. 2009. A Drosophila model for EGFR-Ras and PI3K dependent human glioma. PLoS Genetics 5(2):e1000374. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000374.


Vidal, M., S. Warner, R.D. Read, R.L. Cagan. 2007. Differing Src signaling levels have distinct outcomes in Drosophila.  Cancer Research 67:10278-10285. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-1376.


Read, R.D., P.J. Goodfellow, E.R. Mardis, N. Novak, J.R. Armstrong, R.L. Cagan. 2005. A Drosophila model of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2.  Genetics 171:1057-1081. doi: 10.1534/genetics.104.038018.


Read, R. D., E.A. Bach, R. L. Cagan.  2004.  Drosophila C-terminal Src kinase negatively regulates organ growth and cell proliferation through inhibition of the Src, Jun N-terminal kinase, and STAT pathways. Molecular and Cellular Biology 24:6676-6689. doi: 10.1128/MCB.24.15.6676-6689.2004.


Miller, D T., R. Read, J. Rusconi, R.L. Cagan. 2000. The Drosophila primo locus encodes two low-molecular-weight tyrosine phosphatases. Gene 243: 1-9.


Read, R.D., J.M. Lionberger, T.E. Smithgall. 1997. Oligomerization of the Fes tyrosine kinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272:18498 18503. 



Rogers, J.A., R.D. Read, J. Li, K.L. Peters, T.E. Smithgall. 1996. Autophosphorylation of the Fes tyrosine kinase: evidence for an intermolecular mechanism involving two kinase domain residues. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271: 17519-17525. doi: 10.1074/jbc.271.29.17519.



Manuscripts Submitted/In Revision


Chen, A.S., J. Marquez, N.H. Boyd, S.-Y. Oh, R. Gulbronson, J.A.G. Hamilton, E.R. Legan, R.D. Read.** RIOK2 drives glioblastoma cell growth and proliferation by modulating MYC through the RNA binding protein IMP3. in revision for eLife, 12/20 released on Bioarchives: doi: 2020.12.07.413385.



2024     Renee Read, Ph.D.  Emory University

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